Install Kubernetes Agent

Install and configure the CloudZero Agent for Kubernetes


The CloudZero Agent for Kubernetes collects and forwards container metrics to CloudZero, combining them with data from your cloud provider to determine how to allocate your Kubernetes costs.

Latest version: GitHub release

Supported Kubernetes Installations

The CloudZero Agent supports the following Kubernetes installations:

  • Self-managed Kubernetes in AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud
  • AWS Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS)
  • Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)
  • Google Kubernetes Engine (GKE)

CloudZero Agent Setup


Helm Installation (Recommended):

helm upgrade --install cloudzero \
    --repo cloudzero-agent \
    --namespace cloudzero --create-namespace \
    --set apiKey=<CLOUDZERO_API_KEY> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION>

OR Raw YAML Installation:

You can run helm template against our chart to generate flat manifests that can be deployed directly.

helm template cloudzero \
    --repo cloudzero/cloudzero-agent \
    --namespace cloudzero --create-namespace \
    --set apiKey=<CLOUDZERO_API_KEY> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION> > cloudzero.yaml

kubectl apply -f cloudzero.yaml

Validating the Install

If all went well, you should have received an install success message letting you know that the agent has been installed.

View CloudZero Agent for Kubernetes Cost Data

Once your CloudZero agent is installed, wait at least 48 hours for data collection to occur, then you can view it in CloudZero. For example, the following image shows Kubernetes cost data for a custom dimension called CloudZero Agent, grouped by cluster:

Viewing Kubernetes cost data grouped by cluster