Unit Metric Case Studies

Case Study 1: Wants to understand a single unit cost


Company 1 wants to analyze their cost per daily active user in their platform. There is no additional information they need other than cost data divided by the number of users in their system, broken out by day.


Example shape of the stream data posted to their daily-active-user stream

  "records": [
        "timestamp": "2023-11-07",
        "value": 10011

Using the new endpoint, the stream name will now be derived from the path parameter as outlined in the API documentation. For example, using this example, stream path would be https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/daily-active-user

Case Study 2: Has a single, simple associated cost


Company 2 wants to analyze their spend data per API call, broken out by Service.


In order for the metric data to filter by Service appropriately when the Service dimension is used in the dashboard, the metric data needs to include the appropriate service associated to each value in the data we receive.

Example shape of the stream data posted to their https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/spend-by-api-call stream:

  "records": [
      "timestamp": "2023-11-06",
      "associated_cost": {
        "custom:Company Services": "aggregation"
      "value": 10011

      "timestamp": "2023-11-07",
      "associated_cost": {
        "custom:Company Services": "streaming"
      "value": 458.33

      "timestamp": "2023-11-06",
      "associated_cost": {
      "custom:Company Services": "allocate"
      "value": 112.53

      "timestamp": "2023-11-07",
      "associated_cost": {
        "custom:Company Services": "budget"
      "value": 225

In this case, we have a single value, number of API calls per hour, each associated with different values for the Company Services dimension.

Case Study 3: Single associated cost & multiple streams


Company 3 is a video streaming service and they want to analyze their cost per user per user type, in addition to their total plays per user per user type. This request requires two streams, one providing the number of users per day and another providing number of plays per day, both broken out by user type (logged-in vs anonymous).


In order for the metric data to filter appropriately when the User Type dimension is used in the dashboard, the metric data needs to include the appropriate User Type associated to each value in the data we receive.

Example shape of their https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/total-streams-by-day stream:

  "records": [
        "timestamp": "2023-11-06",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:User Type": "logged-in"
        "value": 591063.958333333

Example shape of their https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/total-users-by-day stream:

  "records": [
        "timestamp": "2023-11-06",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:User Type": "anonymous"
        "value": 359491.333333333

Case Study 4: Multiple associated costs & single stream


Company 4 wants to analyze their cost per client per region. This request requires two associated cost dimensions, client and region.


In order for the metric data to filter appropriately when the Client and Region dimensions are used in the dashboard, the metric data needs to include the appropriate Client and Region associated to each value in the data we receive.

Example shape of their https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/client-and-region stream:

  "records": [
        "timestamp": "2023-11-01",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:Client": "Client 123",
          "Region": "Australia"
        "value": 84
        "timestamp": "2023-11-01",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:Client": "Client 456",
          "Region": "Europe"
        "value": 2978
        "timestamp": "2023-11-01",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:Client": "Client 789",
          "Region": "North America"
        "value": 26

📘 Please Note: In this example, we are using both a custom dimension, and a CloudZero default dimension of Region. As you can see in the example above, when using a default dimension you should not provide the custom: prefix.

Case Study 5: Dimensions defined from associated dimensions


Company 6 wants to analyze their cost per API call broken out by Customer. It’s a simple filtered metric situation.

Example shape of their https://api.cloudzero.com/unit-cost/v1/telemetry/metric/my-customer-ids stream:

  "records": [
        "timestamp": "2023-12-07",
        "associated_cost": {
          "custom:CustomerID": "743e5233-82a1-42e0-a7a0-c66ac6778558"
        "value": 999

This works fine for the Customer ID dimension, but they have a dimension called CustomerName that is derived from Customer ID and intuitively, they expect would filter the metric data with the cost data.

However, they are surprised to discover that this is not the case. Why did this not work?

The answer is…

🚧 You must explicitly define all dimensions you expect to filter the metric data in the associated_cost parameter.

In addition, please keep in mind that any dimension you associate with a metric needs to be as static as possible. That is, if any value changes in the underlying data it will break any historical records that contained the previous value.

For example, if CustomerID in the above example is sent to us, and then the customer changes that ID, the data we already received with the old ID value will not be automatically updated to reflect the new name.

Please Note: This warning does not include additions to the data, only modifications.