User Management

CloudZero allows anyone you want in your organization access to the AWS billing data you want them to see. A user of CloudZero is considered part of your organization if their email matches the original email domain that the organization was setup with.


How to have new viewers join CloudZero

You can invite people to go to and create an account if you'd like them to have access to the CloudZero platform.

The CloudZero application has three roles that users can be:

  • Organizers - formerly Organizers, users with full access to all features and all data on the platform.
  • Editors - users who have read, create, and edit for non-administration features.
  • Viewers - formerly Members, users who have read-only access for non-administration features.
ExplorerFilter & ExportFilter & ExportFilter & Export
EventsViewCreateCreate & Delete
AnalyticsView dashboards (export & schedule)Create, Edit & DeleteCreate, Edit & Delete
InsightsViewCreate, Edit & DeleteCreate, Edit & Delete
BudgetsViewViewCreate & Edit
User & API managementNo AccessNo AccessFull Access
ConnectionsNo AccessNo AccessFull Access
Cost FormationNo AccessNo AccessFull Access
ViewsNo AccessNo AccessFull Access

Viewing your organization's users

You can go to the Users menu ( to see all the users in your organization as well as their role.


User listing page

The user listing page is only accessible to Organizers.

On this page you can change a user's role or remove a user from the system.

Limiting data access

You can control a users access to spend data through the creation and management of user groups. By default a user has access to all spend data in your organization.