Views help decentralize cost management in your engineering organization by providing targeted cost visibility to individual teams.

Each view specifies a Principal Dimension, a Filter, and Connections. Once a View has been defined, CloudZero will automatically deliver all cost notifications and anomalies corresponding to its Principal Dimension, filtered by its Filter, to the defined Connections. Currently, the supported Connections are Slack channels and email aliases.

NOTE: Email view updates are sent to a single email address. We suggest you use an email alias ([email protected]) to manage the recipient group.


Global View

Every organization has a Global View, which will report on all of your cloud spend, i.e. it does not support a Filter. However, you can set the Principal Dimension of the Global View to be your most salient Dimension, e.g. Feature, Services, etc. The Principal Dimension of your Global View is important as it will inform CloudZero as to how we should display your data in other parts of the platform, e.g. Weekly and Monthly Trend Notifications and the Dashboard.

You can edit the Connections of the Global View to change where organization-wide notifications and anomalies are delivered but you may not edit the set of features, as it is pre-defined to include all data.

Accessing Views

Administrators can access their organization's Views at

Creating Views

Every organization has a Global View that is mapped to the entirety of your AWS spend. You can create additional views to deliver cost notifications for a subset of your cost to the teams responsible for them.

On the View page click Create View at the top left of the page to create a new View.
On the modal:

  • Enter a name for the View

  • Select a Principal Dimension - this will drive the default Group By for the View

  • Set up a Filter

    • Pick a single Filter Dimension
    • Select any number of Filter Values for the Filter Dimension
  • Use the 'View Anomalies' toggle to enable or disable Anomaly Detection for this view. Anomaly Detection is enabled by default.

  • Select the Slack channel and/or email addresses to deliver notifications to

  • Optionally configure a threshold for triggering anomaly notification:

    • Automatic:

      • Send notifications based on thresholds defined by CloudZero

        30 Day SpendThreshold
        <= $100.00$5.00
        Between $100.00 and $1,000.00$10.00
        Between $1,000.00 and $10,000.00$25.00
        Between $10,000.00 and $50,000.00$75.00
        Between $50,000.00 and $250,000.00$100.00
        Between $250,000.00 and $1,000,000.00$150.00
        Between $1,000,000.00 and $5,000,000.00$250.00
        > $5,000,000.00$500.00
    • Percent based:

      • Send notifications based on a percentage of the average daily spend over the last 30 days for your View.


Creating a second Global View

You can leave the filter empty if you'd like to create a new "Global View" - for instance to send organization wide updates to a second channel or email address.

Once you hit Save, the CloudZero platform will automatically start watching that set of features and send cost updates and anomalies to the selected Slack channel.

Editing Views

To modify a View's name, features or Slack channel, go to the View card and click on the "..." overflow menu. From that menu, select "Edit," which will bring a modal back up where you can modify any of the details of the View.

Deleting Views

To delete a view, select go to the View card and click on the "..." overflow menu. From that menu, select "Delete" to remove that View from the system.

Exploring Views

It is easy to see the cost and trends of a particular view within the Explorer.