Creating And Editing Dashboards
CloudZero's Analytics enables customers to self-serve cloud cost analytics. Organizers and Editors can create and edit dashboards to share with the rest of their organization. They can also create folders for organizing dashboards (in beta).
Analytics Supports One Year Of Data
To ensure an optimal user experience when building dashboards, Analytics supports one year of data. Additional data remains accessible through the Explorer.
Managing Dashboards
By default, dashboards appear in the Dashboards Home on the Analytics page. Organizers and Editors can take the following actions to manage Analytics dashboards:
All user roles can view public dashboards. Organizers and Editors can also view the private dashboards they have created.
Creating A Dashboard
Organizers and Editors can create custom dashboards to analyze their data via the “Create Dashboard” button.
Enter the Dashboard name and select the Visibility. Upon clicking Create you will be taken into your new dashboard to add visualizations.
Visibility Of Dashboards
If your organization is participating in the dashboard folders beta, when you create a dashboard, it will automatically inherit the visibility of the folder you create it in.
Click Add to add a tile to your dashboard. When adding a visualization you’ll be asked to first select the CloudZero Billing Data.
After selecting CloudZero Billing Data you can use all your billing data including Dimensions, Cost Types, Tags, Kubernetes, etc to build your visualization. Use the search field to quickly find the data you’re looking for, or scroll through the sections to explore.
Clicking on a piece of data will add it to the “In Use” section on the left and the “Data” section. When you’re ready, click “Run” to see the data and the visualization populate.
To pivot/group the data, hover over the data you would like to pivot on and select the arrow icon. Alternatively, if the data you want to pivot on is in the table in the Data section, you can click on the icon and select Pivot.
To add a filter, hover over the data you would like to filter on and select the filter icon. This will add the selected data to the Filter section on the right where you can determine how you want to filter. Note that the data you want to filter on does not need to be included in the Data section. For example, you can filter any visualization by date.
Enter the name of your visualization.
Save the visualization.
You can adjust the size and location of the visualization tile.
Save the dashboard.
Editing A Dashboard
Organizers and Editors can edit and delete custom dashboards. Note that Viewers can view but not modify dashboards.
To update the name or the visibility of a dashboard that you own, find that dashboard in the Dashboards table on the Analytics page and select the pencil Edit button in the Actions column of the table.
Visibility Of Dashboards
If your organization is participating in the dashboard folders beta, when you create a dashboard, it will automatically inherit the visibility of the folder you create it in. You can change its visibility by moving it into a folder with a different visibility setting.
To edit the content of a dashboard, first open that dashboard. Then, click the three dots at the top right of the page to open the menu. Select "Edit Dashboard". Then you can follow the instructions under Creating a Dashboard to change your dashboard.
Copying A Dashboard
Organizers and Editors can copy a dashboard and then edit it. This is a great way to speed up creating a new dashboard if you want to build something similar to one of CloudZero's standard dashboards or a dashboard you or someone else in your organization already created.
Find the dashboard you wish to copy in the Dashboards table of the Analytics page. Then, click the Copy button in the Actions column of the table.
You will be taken to the new copy of the dashboard. Click the three dots at the top right of the page to open the menu, and then select "Edit dashboard" so you can make any adjustments to your new dashboard. Remember to rename your new dashboard.
Deleting A Dashboard
If you delete a dashboard by mistake, you must contact your CloudZero representative to restore it.
To delete a dashboard:
From the Analytics page, locate and click on the dashboard you plan to delete.
Select the three-dot icon in the top right of the dashboard:
Select Move to trash.
Select the Move to trash button to confirm deletion:
CloudZero deletes the dashboard and returns you to the Dashboards Home on the Analytics page.
Managing Folders (Beta)
Dashboard Folders Feature Is In Beta
Support for dashboard folders is in beta. Contact your CloudZero representative to request access.
Organizers and Editors can take the following actions to organize dashboards into folders:
All user roles can view public folders. Organizers and Editors can also view the private dashboards they have created, which are stored in the Private folder.
Creating A Folder
You can create folders within folders, nested as deeply as needed.
Note that you cannot create folders inside the Private folder.
To create a folder:
From the Analytics page, select the Create Folder button:
Enter a folder name (100 characters maximum).
Optionally, set the folder's visibility by selecting the user group(s) that will have access to the folder. If no groups are selected, the folder and its contents will be public to all users in the organization.
Select the Create button:
CloudZero displays a Folder created successfully message when it is done.
Configuring A Folder
Currently, you can update a folder's name and visibility.
Note that you cannot rename the Private folder.
To configure a folder:
From the Analytics page, locate the folder you plan to configure.
Select the three-dot icon in the Actions column:
Select Configure.
Optionally, update the folder name (100 characters maximum).
Optionally, set the folder's visibility by selecting the user group(s) that will have access to the folder. If no groups are selected, the folder and its contents will be public to all users in the organization.
Select Update:
CloudZero displays a Folder updated successfully message when it is done.
Deleting A Folder
A folder must be empty before you can delete it. Move or delete any dashboards that are inside the folder first.
Note that you cannot delete the Private folder.
To delete an empty folder:
From the Analytics page, locate the folder you plan to delete.
Select the three-dot icon in the Actions column:
Select Delete.
Select the Delete button to confirm deletion. Note that this will immediately and permanently delete your folder:
CloudZero deletes the folder and returns you to the parent folder, or the Dashboards Home on the Analytics page if there isn't a parent folder.
Moving A Folder or Dashboard
You can move dashboards and folders. Moving a folder also moves all of its nested contents.
Note that you cannot move folders into the Private folder.
To move a dashboard or folder:
From the Analytics page, locate the folder or dashboard you plan to move.
Select the three-dot icon in the Actions column:
Select Move.
Select a destination folder from the drop-down list:
Select the Move button:
CloudZero moves the item into the selected folder.
Changing A Dashboard's Visibility
Each dashboard inherits the visibility settings of its parent folder. Organizers and Editors can change a dashboard's visibility by moving it into a different folder:
- To make a dashboard private, move it into the Private folder.
- To make a dashboard public, move it into any public folder or the Dashboards Home.
- To make a dashboard accessible to a limited audience, move it into a folder that is only visible to specific user groups. You can configure a folder to be visible to the groups you select.
Updated 5 days ago