Exploring Kubernetes Cost

Visualizing the cost of your Kubernetes workloads

Exploring Kubernetes Cost Allocations

Kubernetes cost allocations will appear in CloudZero after your cloud provider's next billing data ingestion. After that, you can view cost allocation data in the Explorer and view a list of clusters in the Kubernetes Integration page.

View Cost Allocations in the Explorer

You can filter and group costs by Kubernetes dimensions in the CloudZero Explorer. Viewing and filtering is available by namespace, cluster, workload, or label.

For example, in the following image, the Group By drop-down menu is set to the Kubernetes Cluster dimension:

Costs grouped by Kubernetes cluster in the Explorer

To group by a different dimension, select the Group By drop-down menu and choose a different dimension.

Once you have grouped by a Kubernetes dimension, you can set a filter to further narrow the view:

  1. Select Add.
  2. Choose a dimension from the drop-down list. Kubernetes dimensions include cluster, namespace, workload, and label keys.
  3. Choose one or more dimension values from the drop-down list.
  4. Optionally, select the is operator and choose a different operator (is not, contains, does not contain) for the filter. For example, select is not to show only costs that do not match the selected dimension value(s).
  5. Optionally, repeat the previous steps to filter by additional dimensions.
  6. Select Apply.

For example, in the following image, the allocated costs are filtered to show only existing clusters within the kube-system namespace:

Costs grouped by Kubernetes cluster and filtered by namespace in the Explorer

View Cluster List

To view a list of Kubernetes clusters connected to CloudZero, navigate to Settings > Kubernetes Integration.

List of clusters on the Kubernetes Integration page

The Kubernetes Integration page shows the following information for each cluster:

  • Cluster name
  • Account ID
  • Status (connected or disconnected)
  • Request activity graph
  • Last ping timestamp

You can search cluster names or account IDs and/or filter the list by cluster status.