Consider Eliminating Spend on IPv4 Addresses
Details about Automated Insight for spend on IPv4 addresses.
Consider Eliminating Spend on IPv4 Addresses
This Insight identifies when there is spend on IPv4 addresses, indicating there is an opportunity to reduce costs.
AWS is now charging for the use of IPv4 addresses in order to discourage the use of public IPs. This charge applies to all public IPv4 addresses, whether or not they are attached to a service; as well as Elastic IP addresses (IPv4) assigned to resources within a VPC, AWS Global Accelerator, and AWS Site-to-Site VPN tunnel.
In order to reduce your costs, there are a few ways to reduce use of IPv4 addresses. Learn more about how to optimize public IPv4 address usage on AWS here.
- Use IPv6 instead of IPv4.
- Deactivate idle public IPv4 addresses when possible.
- Deploy most applications within private subnets to avoid unnecessary public IP assignments.
- For inbound internet traffic, use Elastic Load Balancers or AWS Global Accelerator to distribute traffic across multiple instances with a single public IP address, improving scalability and IP efficiency.
- For outbound internet traffic, use NAT gateways to translate private IP addresses to a limited set of public IPs for outbound internet access.
Some Items to Note:
- There is no charge for using your own IPv4 addresses. You can bring part or all of your publicly routable IPv4 address range from your on-premises network to your AWS account.
- Not all applications are immediately ready for IPv6, so ensure the application is compatible.
- You can delete network interfaces that you no longer need. However, you cant delete a network interface thats in use, so you must detach it first.
- Learn more about planning for IPv6 adoption here.
The resource table below is showing the list of IPv4 addresses and their cost over the last 30 days.
Source: CloudZero
The information for this insight is based on spend data in the CloudZero platform.
This insight is checked once per day. If the insight is marked as Ignored, it will still get updated, but notifications will no longer be sent for any updates.
This insight is created if the total spend on IPv4 addresses is greater than $500.
Updated 2 months ago