Active EC2 Snapshots Older Than 90 Days
Details about Automated Insights showing active EC2 snapshots that are older than 90 days.
Active EC2 Snapshots Older Than 90 Days
This insight identifies EC2 snapshots that are older than 90 days and are still actively incurring costs. Often these snapshots can be outdated and no longer needed. Cleaning them up can save money.
Source: CloudZero
The information for this insight is based on spend data in the CloudZero platform.
This insight is checked once per day. If the insight is marked as Ignored, it will still get updated, but notifications will no longer be sent for any updates.
This insight is created if the total spend for the identified snapshots exceeds $500 in real cost. When the total spend for those snapshots is reduced below $500 through cleaning them up, the insight will automatically be closed.
Updated over 1 year ago