How to Connect Azure Active Directory

How to Connect Azure Active Directory with CloudZero

  1. Create a new App registration

    • give it a name
    • Add 2 Web Redirect URIs:
        App registration
    • click Register
  2. Navigate to the Azure Active Directory page in the Portal.

    • Copy your Primary domain. Paste it into the Tenant URL box in the CloudZero form.
  1. Return to the App registration Overview page.
    • Copy the Application (Client) Id and paste it into the Client ID box in the CloudZero form.
  1. Add a client secret, make sure to copy the value when you create it.
    • Paste the Client Secret Value in to the Client Secret box in the CloudZero form.
    • Enter the Expires date into the Secret Expiration Date box in the CloudZero form.
  1. Ensure the App registration has the necessary API Permissions.
    1. On your App registration page, Click API permissions
    2. Click Add a permission
    3. Click Microsoft Graph -> Delegated permissions
    4. Search for and add:
      • Directory.Read.All
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