Supported GCP Recommenders

List of Automated Insights sourced from GCP Recommenders.

Supported GCP Recommenders

This feature is in Beta, please contact your CloudZero representative for more information.

CloudZero now supports ingestion of GCP Recommender which includes insights and recommendations to optimize resource usage. Insights identify issues such as overpayments for reserved instances, while recommendations suggest corrective actions, like modifying your reservation plan. CloudZero already ingests GCP billing data by accessing customer BigQuery tables, it is the same set up for GCP Recommender.

Below is the list of currently supported Recommenders:

  1. Change Over-Provisioned SQL Instance
  2. Delete Idle Address Recommender
  3. Delete Idle Disk Recommender
  4. Delete Idle Image Recommender
  5. Snapshot and Delete Idle Provisioned Disks
  6. Stop Idle VM Instances Recommender
  7. VM Machine Type Recommender