How to Connect my Identity Provider

Self Service SSO

You can connect your Identity Provider (IdP) for Single Sign On (SSO) via the CloudZero platform.

  1. Navigate to the SSO Integrations Page.
  1. Choose your Identity Provider from the Identity Provider Type Dropdown


I can't find my Identity Provider!

No worries! We support any IdP that has OpenID Connect applications, including GCP! If you do not see your provider, please select Other to connect a generic OpendID Connect application.

  1. Regardless of IdP, fill in the email domain to map to the IdP. All users with emails in the domain will be forwarded to the configured SSO integration.

  2. Fill in the rest of form based on your IdP.

Regardless of IdP, you will need our Callback URLs:


Here are specific instructions that may help with your given Identity Provider:

  1. Click Save

  2. Use the Open SSO Test Window button to open a new tab to log into your IdP and confirm successful round trip with CloudZero. A successful round trip should redirect you to with a valid token. After you see a decoded token, you can close the browser tab with

  3. The CloudZero platform will detect a successful test. If this does not happen with 1 minute, please refresh the page. You should see

  1. When you are ready, check the Enable log-ins with my SSO box.


This will immediately switch over the specified email domain to use the configured SSO.

If you need to roll back this configuration, please contact your support representative.

  1. You can use as the Bookmark or Website URL for this application in your IdP.